Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So, why is it so difficult to build effective and efficient processes?

It seems quite simple, after all - Establish workflow, Establish rules, Implement the same leveraging technology,Train people and voila; you are ready to go.

Reality, unfortunately, is however messy.

To begin with, lets examine the first step - Establish Workflow. If only this was as simple as it sounds.

Work flows not only needs to contend with common-sense rules but also with the political map of every organization. Who gets to decide on what and why? What are the exceptions to these workflows, and why?

How do you establish workflows when you have an extended organization spanning multiple locations, even countries? How about time zone differences and the ineviable delays it will introduce?

What about firms with additional complexities? Multiple product lines, multiple suppliers, multiple sales channels, etc.?

Finally, not all workfows exists within the firm's boundaries. It extends to customers, distributors and suppliers as well. The need to include them stems from Strategic reasons to Regulatory. But then, how do we coopt them into 'our' workflows? And, in parallel, how should we conform to 'their' workflows?

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